SUMO GeoSurveys can conduct a hybrid survey method combining UAS geospatial and terrestrial topographic techniques at the pre-planning stage.
From this, we can provide a variety of highly accurate and informative outputs that can be utilised throughout the planning and design lifecycle of a project. Workflows in both GIS and CAD are catered for, with the option of archaeological interpretive reporting that can assist with targeting other surveys such as Geophysics and Utilities.
Thermographic Monitoring
For established solar farms, SUMO work closely with solar farm monitoring companies to acquire thermographic data for their analysis, to monitor the effectiveness of the panels themselves and to locate any faults.
When solar panels malfunction, it can mean a loss of efficiency and reduced energy production. Thermal imaging can detect heat signatures that may be indicative of defective solar cells. From a small group of panels on residential houses to a large solar farm, a UAS thermographic survey offers the most rapid and cost-effective solution to identifying panel defects and mitigating energy loss, whilst ensuring your investment is functioning at its highest level.
The survey is carried out during the summer months when solar irradiance is at a suitably high level. A solar irradiance monitor is used prior to and following each flight, and the reading is documented in the flight record.
Above: A frame captured from the sequential thermal video with several hotspots identified.