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SUMOplus+ at Imperial Wharf

Hitting buried utilities can be disastrous to a projects smooth running. SUMO carried out a SUMOplus+ survey on this site in Imperial Wharf to help the client locate buried features and avoid potential issues.


Above : Imperial Wharf, London


The brief:


  • SUMO asked to assess the site for buried foundations and evidence of contaminated ground over the site of a former Victorian gas works.

  • The client believed that extensive contamination of the soils had occurred. This was consistent with the production of town gas from coal.

  • Substantial foundations from the former gas works also thought to be present.


The process:


  • SUMO conducted a SUMOplus+ ground conductivity survey.

  • The site at the time of the survey had been cleared leaving a surface of hard-core rubble and concrete slabs.

  • The survey used a Geonics EM31 ground conductivity meter. This is to locate the buried features.


The result:


  • The SUMOplus+ survey determined two extensive blocks of foundations. This was 35m long and 10m wide separated by 20m.

  • The inphase (metal detecting) data shows a marked level of activity. This suggests the foundations may contain structural steelwork or heavy reinforcing.

  • Around the easterly foundation is a marked "halo" of lower conductivity readings. This is a pollution plume that may be associated with the former use of the site as a gas works.


Technical notes:


  • The survey was carried out with a Geonics EM31 ground conductivity meter. This collected data at 1m centres along transects 2m apart.

  • Both quadrature (conductivity) and inphase (metal detecting) data for the vertical dipole position were collected. This provided "imaging" to a maximum depth of 3m.

Survey techniques used in this case study...

GroundPenetratingRadar GPR).png

Ground Probing Radar (GPR)


Utility Detection
& Mapping




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