Birmingham Children's Hospital Charity
Continuing with our tradition of helping worthwhile charities, SUMO Geophysics Director, Claire Rose, recently presented Ellie Maybury, Philanthropy and Partnerships Executive at Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust, at Birmingham Children Hospital Charity with a cheque for £1700.
Ellie explained: ‘This money goes a long way. For example, each specialist baby cannula cost £10 each. But as well as the essential day to day medical equipment needed, the charity also has a new appeal which is to raise money for an iMRI which is an Interoperable MRI Machine. At the moment children have to be taken between the MRI suite and the operating theatre, but this will sit in a specialist theatre, eliminating the time currently needed to travel between the two areas therefore the disruption and trauma to children and parents, as well as ensuring changes in the brain, which can happen during surgery, are picked up immediately’.
For more information about this latest iMRI appeal, click the logo below.
Worthing Food Foundation
As in previous years, SUMO decided to donate £50 to charity for orders received from its customers during December 2022.
One of the chosen charities is the Worthing Food Foundation who run a non-referral food operation that supply seven days’ worth of dry, tinned and fresh food, as well as other essentials to people in need.
SUMO through its clients, donated £1300 to help the charity continue its work, supporting several hundred people a week in the surrounding Worthing area.
Above: SUMO Sales and Marketing Director, Ian Gregory delivering £1300 cheque to Matthew Potter of Worthing Food Foundation.
SUMO take’s it Corporate and Social Responsibilities very seriously, not just as an employer, but socially to the wider community, so this year SUMO decided to support smaller local charities whose need is great during these tough times.
“Thank you so much for the very generous donation from SUMO. It will help us to continue to support families in need in our community, and we are very grateful.”.
Fiona Gallagher - Worthing Food Foundation.