"I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail".
- Abraham Maslow
Drawing similarity from this well-known quote, it can be tempting to maintain your teams current survey industry knowledge whilst also remaining to use the same ‘tools’ for the job (or in this case, which surveys are used on your projects). But, if the ‘nail’ in this scenario represents your project, then surely it would wise to understand the right ‘tool’? In this example the correct survey methodology, which you and your team need for your projects?
What’s more, when there are ever evolving survey techniques, surely, it’s wise to keep up to date with these new developments? That way you are able to reap the benefits of innovative survey offerings.
The SUMO Group is proud to offer its industry-leading Measured Building survey knowledge. We offer this through a wide range of free technical presentations, available to both existing clients and non-clients.
Our Measured Building survey presentations can cover the survey industry in general, but can also be focused on specific survey methodologies. For example, Laser scanning & Revit modelling and how these can be applied in practice.
SUMO Technical Awareness Presentations give you:
Better safety understanding
Improved efficiency
The best ways to achieve cost-savings
Who would a Measured building presentation suit?
We tailor our presentations to suit and be of interest to a wide range of audiences. This could include Directors and Senior Managers; Site Agents and Operatives; Health and Safety Advisers; Planners and Design Engineers; Entry level staff.
When can SUMO come in?
With a commitment to bettering our client’s survey knowledge, we will always aim to accommodate your preferred presentation time and date. Our presentations are designed to fit into your working day and can be easily created into a ‘Lunch & Learn’.
Where are they held?
Presentations can be held in your offices, on-site, or at our Head Office in Havant.
What is the cost?
SUMO’s technical awareness presentations are FREE to all our clients, their sub-contractors as well as non-clients.